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Himley Hall drive-in cinema


Movie fans are in for a treat this August as Himley Hall and Park will be the outstanding backdrop to an outdoor drive-in cinema.

Over the weekend of Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 August, the council will show four family films.

An online poll has been set up to help choose the films shown. People can vote for their favourite on the council’s Facebook page - @dudleyborough

Tickets will go on sale soon at £20 per car and will only available online from Eventbrite via the Himley Hall and Park website.

Numbers will be limited to ensure that the event can take place under the latest government health and safety guidance on social distancing.

Councillor Ian Kettle, cabinet member responsible for halls, said:

"We are delighted to be able to bring this event to our prestigious Himley Hall site. With the restrictions that the Covid-19 lockdown has brought this will be a chance for families to enjoy some quality time out of their homes in a safe environment.
"We really do want to hear people’s thoughts on what films they would like to see screened and I would encourage them to visit our Facebook page and tell us their thoughts via our online poll.”

Visitors will be encouraged to bring their own food and refreshments but no alcohol.

Cars will be kept apart following the two metre social distancing regulations and people will be able to stream the audio from the film via their car radios.

Toilet provision will also take into consideration the government guidelines with health and safety measures in place to ensure that everyone has a safe and enjoyable visit.

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